There are few greater glories than creating a piece of fiction that surprises its readers, moves them to tears, to laughter, to heckling—to whatever it is we hoped they’d experience, and maybe even to a few sensations we couldn’t have predicted they’d feel. This fun and engaging workshop will name and examine the unique strengths of your prose, while offering guidance that will help further texturize your work into full, developed stories by exploring the murky and extensive waters of prose – of fiction and non-fiction, and all the place in-between. We write prompts, read each other’s work, as well as the work of outside readers. Some students may be working on smaller length projects, some work on longer memoirs and novels.
This class contains a small core of writers who have taken it for a couple of years. Thus, in this group you receive not only expert instruction from the instructor, but the most thoughtful, engaged critique you are likely to from peers in a creative writing workshop.