The Body as Place: Writing through Displacement and Erasure via the Body (Online)


8 Monday Nights Writing Poetry
with Jari Bradley
Starts July 3rd // 6 –  9pm

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Grackle art by Sergio Pérez Corella

Systemic and social conditions have come to impact our physical dwellings and physical being. For many of us, home is a physical site or locale that can either a) no longer be accessed in the same way or b) is unrecognizable through various states of gentrification and/or erosion or what can be labeled as displacement. The body then becomes what we can turn to (our interiority) as a substitute for the home space. Our physical being simultaneously acts as a representative of home, and yet, is physically removed from home (via time, memory, or literal relocation). The body therein becomes the vessel by which we can continue to associate with and portray what home has meant to us, and how we have known home in our lives, as well as how we might be redefining/rethinking home for ourselves through connection between our bodies and the bodies of others via communal attachments and networks. Utilizing the works of Justin Phillip Reed, Omatara James, Vievee Francis, and many others we will interrogate how language can come to stand in the gap of what we have lost and/or are trying to rebuild via the body as place.

Jari Bradley is a San Francisco native. They are the recipient of an Inprint C. Glenn Cambor Fellowship and a 2020-2021 Fellow of the Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing. Their poems have been published in Callaloo, Virginia Quarterly Review, Academy of American Poets (Poem-A-Day), The Adroit Journal, Hayden’s Ferry Review, The Offing, Blood Orange Review (as selected by Nikky Finney) and in the anthologies Queer Nature: A Poetry Anthology, and Antiracism Inc: Why the Way We Talk About Racial Justice Matters. They are a teaching assistant and PhD candidate in Creative Writing and Literature at the University of Houston, and poetry editor of both Gulf Coast and Rootwork Journal.

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