with Miah Arnold
Saturday, Sunday June 16, 17
from 1-5
You may have heard this one: For sale: baby shoes, never worn.
Micro, Flash, Short-Short, Mini Fiction, etc, are some of the many names we have for very short stories. They are less than a couple pages, generally, sometimes less than a line. Like any work of fiction it has to pull the reader in and tell a story, and since the time is short, there is little time for dalliances. All the elements of fiction come to play, and they’re often introduced in just one or two sentences. This is going to be a fun, experimental workshop that helps you figure out how to say a lot, fast. We’ll look at the tricks other writers have used, and maybe invent some new ones. AWe’ll write a lot. You’ll come out with a number of tiny stories that you may keep small, or that you might let bloom into something larger. Our goal will be to have a tiny story cycle of three related stories by the end of our time together on Sunday.
Though our focus will be on fiction, in this workshop, writers of memoir or essays who want to experiment with shorter forms, are welcome to join as well.
Miah Arnold, PhD, has taught creative writing for the past twenty years through Houston non-profits including Inprint, Writers in the Schools, and Aurora Picture Show as well as University of Houston, University of Houston-Downtown, Houston Community College, and Georgia College. Her essay “You Owe Me” about working for M.D. Anderson via Writers in the Schools was selected by Best American Essays in 2012. Her first novel, Sweet Land of Bigamy, was published in 2012.