The Art of the Pitch


1 Sunday Afternoon w/ Emma Balter
Writing Pitches & Learning to Pitch Your Work
February 23rd  // 2:00-5:00

Availability: In stock

Have a great idea for a story but no idea where or who to pitch it to? Think you’re onto something but need help making it shine? Potentially amazing stories pitched badly get lost in the shuffle of editors’ inboxes every day. In this one-off class, you’ll learn how to pitch compelling angles, not just topics. You’ll receive practical tips for how to craft your pitch and who to send it to. And you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the inner workings of an assigning editor’s mind. During the class, you’ll hear successful (and unsuccessful) pitches and workshop your own.

About Emma Balter
Emma Balter has dedicated her career to producing engaging features on the topics of food, travel, culture, and entertainment. She loves to drill into the meat of a story and bring out the best, most compelling version of it. She is currently the editor in chief of Houstonia and was previously the food editor of Chron, a features reporter for the Houston Chronicle, and an associate editor at Wine Spectator. Her work has also appeared in Condé Nast Traveler, Food & Wine, VinePair, and others.
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